Online Immunization Consent Form

I would like to consent to my student’s immunization at school

If your student brought home a consent form to receive vaccinations at their school, you now have the option to consent online by completing the form below. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact your local health unit office.

If your student has received these or any other vaccines (including those for travel) from a health care provider outside of NWHU, please contact us to update their immunization record.

Once you select your community, select the student’s school

Student health history questions

Consent information

I have read the fact sheets above for the vaccines listed on the Immunization Letter sent home. I understand the expected benefits and possible risks of the vaccines. I understand the possible risks to my student if not vaccinated. I am aware that I can contact Northwestern Health Unit with questions/ have had the opportunity to have my questions answered by Northwestern Health Unit. I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time. I understand that my student may receive multiple needles in one day. This consent will be valid until series completion or up to two years.

I authorize Northwestern Health Unit to administer the vaccine(s) that include protection against the diseases listed on the Immunization Letter I received with the following number.

By completing this consent form, I confirm that I am the legal guardian and have the authority to consent to this vaccine on behalf of this individual.

Last modified: 17 July 2023