Contact Us

To contact Northwestern Health Unit, use the following:

During an emergency

If you need to contact us after hours regarding a public health emergency, such as an animal bite, food poisoning, a disease outbreak, or natural disaster, please call:

  • 807-468-7109 or
  • 1-866-475-6505

During regular office hours

During regular office hours, you can call us from anywhere in our service area by calling:

  • 1-800-830-5978.

If you want to phone your local Northwestern Health Unit office, you can find contact information for all of our offices on the office locations page

Using email

To contact us by email, use or use the following.

If you are looking to book an appointment or require our services, please contact your local NWHU office and they will be able to help you best.

Contacting you when necessary

Have you received a text from us? In order to reach our clients better, we are texting people who we cannot reach by other means such as by phone or in person. Your text message may have said to contact the Health Unit regarding a health matter. This can be regarding any of our programs. 

In order to protect your privacy, we are unable to accept replies to these texts. 

If you have received a text from Northwestern Health Unit, please follow the directions in the text. You can then speak to a Health Unit health care professional about the reason for the text.

Last modified: 2 May 2023