Health Care Provider Medical Advisory: COVID-19 Update: COVID Alert App

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The COVID Alert App is a way for the public to know if they’ve been exposed to COVID-19. Once downloaded to a mobile device, it uses Bluetooth to detect how close you are to other people with the app. If someone tests positive, they are given a unique code to enter. The app can then send notifications to anyone who was within 2 metres of that app user for more than 15 minutes. Learn more about the app here:

  • If an individual has received an exposure notification alert, they should be directed to seek testing and self-isolate pending test results.
    • If the individual tests positive they must self-isolate from the date of specimen collection.
    • If the individual receives a negative test they should self-monitor for 14 days from when they received the notification and should seek re-testing if symptoms develop.
    • If the individual is identified through the traditional case and contact tracing, they must follow
      the advice of public health.
  • Health care providers working with COVID-19 patients, or patients who may test positive at a
    a later date may wish to disable notifications while in the workplace to avoid receiving exposure notifications related to these interactions.
    • Any user who is within 2 metres of a user who has tested positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes within the past 2 weeks is deemed to have been exposed. The app cannot determine whether PPE was worn during the exposure.
    • A user can change the settings on their device to disable COVID exposure notification logging and not impact other apps or features on their device. Health care providers should remember to turn these notifications back on once they leave their workplace.

School reopening

We continue to receive feedback from the health care sector related to school reopening.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Dr. Kit Young-Hoon
Medical Officer of Health
Northwestern Health Unit
(807) 468-3147