Mental Health Survey 2022/23 Report

Northwestern Health Unit commissioned a mental health survey in 2022/23 to help identify & monitor mental health issues within its catchment area. The survey was administered by Prairie Research Associates (PRA) Inc. by telephone and online. Results help to provide valuable information for recognizing target groups, program planning, and informing mental health promotion activities.

Survey data were weighted so that results accurately represent the population. This involved assigning different statistical weights to responses based on certain characteristics such as age, gender, income etc. to ensure that results more accurately reflect the larger population. Weighting compensated for differences that exist in the probability of being selected and non-response rates. This reduces bias that can occur due to unequal demographic representation.

Printing the report

To print the report, use the following:

  1. Click the report’s “Open in full screen mode” button
  2. In the report, navigate to the information that you need
  3. On your keyboard, press “CTRL” + “P” to print the report.

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